
Way to get our shop




The amount of time will fluctuate greatly depending on the weather and road condition during the winter months.

Please don't rush, always stay ahead of time.

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Let me introduce three ways to get our shop.

One is from major airport, the other is from JR Furano station, and utilizing the QR code.

1) 主要空港から

From Major airport

①新千歳空港から(From New Chitose Airport)

★自家用車・レンタカー(by car)

 カーナビの「MAPCODE」検索"550 798 020"を入力していただくと便利です。

 Please enter the MAP CODE "550 798 020"  in your car's GPS.

 Google mapをご参照ください。(English)

★JR(by train for JR Furano sta.) 



②旭川空港から(From Asahikawa Airport)

★自家用車・レンタカー(by car)

 カーナビの「MAPCODE」検索"550 798 020"を入力していただくと便利です。

 Please enter the MAP CODE "550 798 020"  in your car's GPS.

 Google mapをご参照ください。(English)

★高速バス(快速ラベンダー号)(by express bus for JR Furano sta.)

 ふらのバスのサイトをご参照ください。(Click here) 


③とかち帯広空港から(From Tokachi-Obihiro Airport)

★自家用車・レンタカー(by car)

 カーナビの「MAPCODE」検索"550 798 020"を入力していただくと便利です。

 Please enter the MAP CODE "550 798 020"  in your car's GPS.

 Google mapをご参照ください。(English)

★高速バス(by express bus for JR Furano sta.)


 (とかち帯広空港~JR帯広駅)(Click here "From Tokachi-Obihiro Airport to JR Obihiro sta.")~乗り換え(transfer)~(JR帯広駅~JR富良野駅)(Click here "From JR Obihiro sta. to JR Furano sta.")

2) JR富良野駅から

From JR Furano station

★自家用車・レンタカー(by car)

カーナビの「MAPCODE」検索"550 798 020"を入力していただくと便利です。




It takes about 20 min from JR Furano station.

Please enter the MAP CODE "550 798 020"  in your car's GPS.

★タクシー(by taxi)




It takes about 20 min from JR Furano station, and that will be about 5,000 yen.(One-way)   

Please contact each taxi company for details & reservation.

ふらのタクシー(Furano Taxi)     0120-715-001(toll-free call)

中央ハイヤー(Chuo Hire)          0120-414-818(toll-free call)

★路線バス(by route bus)





Please get on "Rokugo-Line" route bus.

It takes about 40 min from JR Furano station, and that will be 630 yen for adult, 320 yen for child.(One-way)

After getting off the bus, It takes about 5 min from bus stop "Rokugo"  to our shop on foot.        


・ふらのバス時刻表(Furano Bus timetable)は次の通りです。

3) QRコードによるご案内(Googleマップ)

Scan the QR code (Google Map)


It will guide you around our shop from your location.